Donate to our new building fund!


Meet our staff, and your neighbors

It takes a neighborhood. From local business owners and physicians to counselors and volunteers, our staff and board include citizen-minded folks from all corners of the community. Get to know those devoting their time and resources to growing and guiding the direction of Neighborhood Cancer Connection. 

NCC Board | Groundbreaking August 2023
  • Brad Halter, Chairman Emeritus
  • Blair Miller, Chair
  • Kendra Thornton, Vice Chair
  • Rhonda Riley, Secretary
  • Brandon Robinson, Treasurer
  • Gaston Albergotti
  • Brandi Ariail
  • Steve Bichel
  • Claire Blake {ex-officio}
  • Tavia CM Gaddy
  • Stephen Dyar {ex-officio}
  • Thad Dulin
  • Matt Edwards
  • Annette Ferrell
  • Dixon Harrill {ex-officio}
  • Katie Hinshelwood
  • Whitney Jones
  • McCreight King
  • Elizabeth Mann
  • Will McCauley
  • Jan McCrary
  • Cedrek McFadden
  • Cindy Metcalf
  • Rhonda Riley
  • Brandon Robinson
  • Erin Rogers
  • Aniket Saha
  • Brad Smith
  • Kelly Warren
  • Freddie Williams


We’re moving BACK! 

We’re suspending services at 
527 Mills Ave. from July 30-Aug. 1 in order to move. Beginning Aug. 2nd, services will resume at our 
113 Mills Ave. location in our NEW facility. Please call 864.232.8439 for more information.