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October Newsletter

It’s All Good in the Neighborhood!

One in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. In 2023, an estimated 297,790 women and 2,800 men will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Chances are, you know at least one person who has been personally affected by breast cancer.

But there is hope. When caught in its earliest, localized stages, the 5-year relative survival rate is 99%. Advances in early detection and treatment methods have significantly increased breast cancer survival rates in recent years, and there are currently over 3.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States.

Client Spotlight: Look for the Gifts

There are certain moments in your life that you will never forget. For me those include going to Furman, getting married, welcoming my four beautiful children into this world, and hearing the words “I’m sorry. You have breast cancer.” At 34 years old, with an 8-month-old and two young girls, my world seemed to stop spinning. The days that followed were full of tests, waiting and fear. Yet, this community in Greenville is something special. For 4 months, friends, colleagues and strangers brought my family meals. Doctors, nurses, and navigators wrapped me in care to ensure that my year-long treatment journey of chemo, radiation and surgeries was the best it could be, a journey that became even more complicated with the onset of COVID-19. I had to face treatment without family and friends being allowed inside healthcare facilities. But I never felt alone as those caring for me stepped in to make sure I felt love. My family and friends figured out innovative ways to ensure I was supported, culminating with a drive-by parade following my 16th and final chemo treatment. Community supports including the Neighborhood Cancer Connection, the YMCA‘s LiveStrong program, and others helped light a path of hope during treatment and still to this day. And the sisterhood of survivors enveloped me in their love. Early on, another survivor told me to look for the gifts. Her words rung true as I fought this disease and everywhere I looked I saw gifts. During this month of breast cancer awareness, I say to all those fighting – look for the gifts; find the good in this horrible disease and be grateful for the gifts that

Greenville has to help us in our battles. -Katy Sides, Former Client

Shops and Hops

Look for this sign in your favorite store and breweries on October 19, 20, and 21. Use the QR code to support us as we raise funds with these partners.

Run 4 Life

Neighborhood Cancer Connection is an organizing partner (along with the Caine Halter Family YMCA) for the 16th Annual Run4Life 5k and Fun Run! Please join us Sat., Nov 4th starting at 8:30 a.m.

Run4Life is Greenville’s most affordable, family-friendly race.
And funds raised help support cancer care in your community.

Whether you want to register as an individual, join a team, or create one with your friends, family, or colleagues, you’ll be running through two of Greenville’s favorite parks on this exciting course:

· 5K Course: $15

· 1 Mile Course: $10

· Children’s Fun Run: FREE

Corporate Preview Party

We kicked off the festivities leading to our next Hope Ball in April of 2024 with a Corporate Preview Party hosted by our Presenting sponsors, Gastroenterology Associates, in their beautiful facility. Reserve your table before they sell out by emailing [email protected] for more information or go to

Holiday Greenery

Carolina Foothills Garden Club is your go-to for Holiday Greenery this year! But don’t forget to support your local cancer support organization by also purchasing Holiday Cards as gifts for loved ones. Order cards by emailing info@nccgreenville .org or calling 864-232- 8439. Cards are $10 each and can be picked up or mailed directly to you.

Link to Greenery order form: reenerySale

Capital Campaign Update

We are happy to announce that we have raised $3.55M towards our goal of $4.5M to build a new cancer support facility. Our partners at Creative Builders have laid the foundation to our new facility and the building’s frame is going up. Through community support, we are well on our way to achieving our vision of expanding our cancer support services in a brand new modern and accessible facility. 

If you would like to learn more about our Capital Campaign and our new facility email us at [email protected]



We’re BACK! 

Our newly built facility is open and ready to welcome you at 
113 Mills Ave. Please use the entrance next to the parking lot or pull up under the awning to pick up supplies.